We Are

We Are Upper Mississippi River Reclaiming:

An evolving, welcoming community of witches working to integrate daily life, spiritual practice and earth-based activism. We embrace the Reclaiming Principles of Unity and are fiercely committed to our unique local values and experiences.

Rooted in spiritual traditions that recognize the mysteries within ourselves and in all the worlds, we create sustainable cultures of wonder in the Upper Mississippi River Valley, honoring these lands with actions and devotion.

We are a queer-loving people who dare to live our authentic lives. We are family friendly and practice radical inclusivity, accessibility, and hospitality. Yearning for worlds of justice and harmony we engage differences with openness, honesty and integrity. We are grateful for our abundance and examine our privilege.

We celebrate the journey and the destination; our questions outweigh our answers. We embody music and mirth, dance and song. We embrace joy and obligation, ease and time, sensuality and ecstasy. We are a sex positive culture of consent. We walk the edge of paradox. We practice self care as we push our edges, knowing that as we nourish others, we nourish ourselves. We engage our radiance and shadow; our compost begets beauty. Our magic sends ripples of healing through all the worlds.

We all have gifts which strengthen the whole. Rooted in praise and constructive feedback we are responsible and accountable. Honoring the instinctual and learned arts, empowering ourselves and each other, we practice co-creation. We are beings who learn and teach, lead and support, and think well of each other. We have a “yes/and” practice that broadens what is possible. With our skills, we deepen our individual and shared awareness and power, changing the worlds in which we live.

Reaching within and without our communities, we nurture the emerging cultures of beauty, balance, delight and love.

Please note: this is a living, evolving document about who we are as a community. As we change and grow, this document will too.

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